mercredi 5 novembre 2014

All the team members and I wanted to introduce you, in a first part, the main ice cream brands which compose the French ice cream market. Through different articles, we talked about Ben & Jerry’s, Nestlé, Haagen Dazs or Magnum in order to understand their brands, values etc… 

To finish this first section of presentation, we will deal with a last brand: Carte d’Or.
Created in 1978 in France, Carte d’Or differentiated from its competitors because it was one of the first brands to use an ice cream tub like basics. For more than thirty years, Carte d’Or developed its range of flavors, from 5 in 1978, to 30 nowadays. One of its values which is very significant is the closeness with its customers. In fact, Carte d’Or created a range of products and services to attract people: creation of unique flavors, recipes with Carte d’Or ice creams etc… 

The results are quite obvious: through this strategy and the and the willing to promote high quality products, Carte d’Or is nowadays the leader in France concerning the ice cream tub market (45.6% of the market share in value).

On another hand, Carte d’Or became one of the market leaders through its strong image, using the technique of traditional ice cream makers. This brand, which belongs to Unilever, is definitely a cornerstone of the French ice cream market: 94% of the French population knows Carte d’Or. 

The presentation of the brands is now over, we will move on next week towards their advertisings, the market innovations or even the different co-branding. See you next week ! 

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